Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety Kansas City Region Funding Guidelines


Local Funding Opportunity from: the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety - KC District

  • Application Date:  Feb 24, 2025 – March 17, 2025 
  • Maximum Request: $20,000
  • KC MoDOT MCRS Chapter supports nine counties (Cass, Clay, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, Platte, Ray, Saline)
  • Prospective applicants, review the MCRS FUNDING GUIDELINES 
Application Portal

MoDOT Statewide Highway Safety & Traffic Annual Grant

  • Application Date: Jan. - March 2025
  • Prospective Applicants can attend pre-grant meetings (registration information available in December)
  • Grant Award Range: $2,000 - $1 million
  • Interested applicants must (a) address the state’s safety plan and (b) create a “User ID & Password” by contacting MoDOT Highway Safety & Traffic Division at (573) 751-4161

Each year, MoDOT provides funding to support the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety (MCRS) Show-Me Zero Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The Kansas City District MCRS offers annual funding accessible through a grant application housed on the MARC Destination Safe website. MoDOT MCRS supports nine counties within our district (Cass, Johnson, Pettis, Jackson, Lafayette, Saline, Platte, Clay, and Ray).

Funding Focus:  Requests should support at least one aspect of the Show-Me Zero Strategic Highway Safety Plan: Occupant Protection, Distracted Driving, Speed & Aggressive Driving, Impaired Driving, Teen & Older Drivers, Pedestrians & other non-motorized users

Prior to applying: MoDOT MCRS partners with MARC Destination Safe Coalition to advance safety within our communities. We encourage you to review both safety plans prior to applying.   

Maximum Request: $20,000

Dates:   Annual Grant Application available Feb 24, 2025 – March 17, 2025 

Grant Funding Distribution: MoDOT MCRS funding is a “Cost-reimbursement Grant” meaning payments are made to a Grantee for actual incurred expenses during the funding cycle.

MoDOT KC MCRS Guidelines


  • Education & Prevention: funds may be used for programs that create a culture of safety supporting SHSP focus areas. This can include equipment and projects that are necessary for implementation of safety.
  • Media & Promotions: funding for paid media and promotion is an allowable cost. Media and promotions must be pre-approved. Please share plans with the KC District MCRS Representative before production. Allow up to 2 weeks for approval.
  • Promotional Items: promotional items are an allowable cost when promoting  SHSP Show-Me Zero focus areas. To identify the best use of funds we suggest coordination with the local MCRS Representative (Debra Huwar – 816-607-2187).
  • Law Enforcement: funds may be used to purchase law enforcement equipment. Equipment purchases should directly correlate with efforts to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes and should be associated with a plan to conduct regular traffic enforcement. 
  • Body cams and other equipment not associated with reducing crashes may not be purchased. (When considering equipment purchases, you are invited to contact the KC MCRS representative prior to submitting applications, Debra Huwar – (816)607-218).
  • Law Enforcement Overtime: requests have been moved to the Highway Safety and Traffic Division grant program using NHTSA funds. KC regional funds may not be used for overtime.
  • Fund Distributions: awarded funds are reimbursed after expenditures submitted to MoDOT.
  • Reports: four grant reports are required (Oct, Jan, April, and July). Submitted to MoDOT.
  • Coalitions & Outreach: it is highly recommended that you maintain active membership with MARC Destination Safe Coalition as well as your local community coalitions. We ask that you involve MoDOT MCRS in local coalitions and educational outreach opportunities.