Planning and Performance Support

MoDOT’s Planning and Performance Support

MoDOT maintains two primary planning documents: a five-year statewide transportation improvement plan and a 20-year long-range transportation plan. The STIP focuses on the next five years of transportation construction across the state, while the Long-Range Transportation Plan takes a broader look at transportation needs for all modes of transportation and sets the direction for the annual STIP updates. 

The High Priority Unfunded Needs list conveys the list of prioritized projects to address needs brought forward by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional Planning Commissions around the state.

Missouri's Planning Process

MoDOT cannot plan in a vacuum and depends on citizens from across the state to offer input on transportation needs and priorities. To guide the process for seeking out citizen input into the planning process, MoDOT created a planning process that has become the standard for all state DOTs to follow.

Missouri's Planning Process

MoDOT also offers assistance to rural and urban transportation planning organizations by reviewing proposed state and federal legislation for impacts on transportation, assisting with planning processes and coordinating planning activities among local agencies, regional MoDOT offices, metropolitan planning organizations and rural planning commissions. MoDOT staff is also available to assist MPOs with performance measurement, target setting and required reporting.

MoDOT Contacts for Planning and Performance Support with Areas of Responsibilities

Planning Partner Collaboration Site*

*Login ID and password required. See contact list above for details.