Child Passenger Safety Check Locations

Car Seat Check Map

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Is Responsive
Embed Code

Organization Last Name First Name Address City  State Zip Phone
10th Circuit Children's Division Helton Melanie 3055 Holman Dr. Hannibal MO 63401 573-406-6941
509 Security Forces Stagnolia Beth 1031 Vandenberg Ave., Ste. 502B Whiteman AFB MO 65305 660-687-4341
Adair County Ambulance Probst Kat 606 W. Potter Ave. Kirksville MO 63501 660-665-0000
Adair County Children's Division Latman Isaac 1612 N. Osteopathy St. Kirksville MO 63501 660-851-3245
Adair County Health Dept. Bettes or Dietle Emily or Kirstyn 1001 S. Jamison St. Kirksville MO 63501 660-665-8491
Affton Fire Protection District Bryant Mark 9282 Gravois Rd. St. Louis MO 63123 314-631-1803 x6
Andrew County Health Dept. Loucks Hillary 106 N. 5th St. Savannah MO 64485 816-324-3139
Angels Within Foundation Greer Karen 4108 W. Florissant Ave. St. Louis MO 63115 314-280-5557
Audrain County Health Dept. Elliott or Meyer Jodi or Brandi 1130 S. Elmwood Mexico MO 65265 573-581-1332
Barry County Health Dept. Wagner Jessica 65 Main St. Cassville MO 65625 417-847-2114
Barton County Health Dept. Hayden Michelle 1301 E. 12th St. Lamar MO 64759 417-682-3363
Bates County Health Center Knox Jordan 501 N. Orange Bulter MO 64730 660-679-6108
Benton County Health Dept. Keyte Ethel 1238 Commercial Warsaw MO 65355 660-438-2876
Berkeley Fire Dept. Harris Catrell 8401 Airport Rd. Berkeley MO 63134 314-941-3843
Bismarck Fire Protection District Gravett Kegan 910 Veterans Dr. Bismarck MO 63624 573-315-4577
Boles Fire Protection District Woodruff Matt 2731 Hwy. T Labadie MO 63055 636-742-2515
Bollinger County Health Dept. Lindsey Katie 107 Hwy. 51 N Marble Hill MO 63764 573-238-2817
Boonslick Regional Planning Commission Mowery Dawn 111 Steinhagen Dr. Warrenton MO  63383 636-456-3473
Boonville Police Dept. Roberts Larry 401 E. Morgan Boonville MO 65233 660-882-2727
Brookline Fire Protection District Sidebottom Chris 3504 E. Orr St. Republic MO 65619 417-771-7570
Butler County Health Dept. Dunn Karra 1619 N. Main Poplar Bluff MO 63901 573-785-8478
Caldwell County Health Dept. Railsback Amanda 255 W. Main St. Kingston MO 64650 816- 586-2311
Callaway County Ambulance District Hartzler Susan 311 Hickman Ave. Fulton MO 65251 573-642-7260
Camden County Health Dept. Thornsberry Rhonda 1976 N. Business Hwy. 5 Camdenton MO 65020 573-346-5479 x209
Cape Girardeau Fire Dept. Angle Justin 1 S. Sprigg St. Jackson MO 63755 573-339-6330
Cape Girardeau Safe Communities Program/Police Dept. Church Emily 2530 Maria Louise Ln. Cape Girardeau MO 63701 573- 339-6365
Carroll County Health Dept. Brock Judy 5 N. Ely St. Carrollton MO 64633 660-542-3247
Carter County Health Dept. Swyres Kaylee 1611 Health Center Rd. Van Buren MO 63965 573-323-4413
Cass County Health Dept. Prososki Allie 300 S. Main Harrisonville MO 64071 816-380-8425
Cedar County Health Dept. Walker Holly 1317 MO-32 Ed Dorado Springs MO 64744 417-876-5477
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District Lenhart Jeremy 6766 Cedar Hill Rd. Cedar Hill MO 63016 636-285-3345
Center for Human Services Bryant Ann 1003 E. Clark St. Clinton MO 64735 660-620-2430
Central Jackson County Fire Protection District Llewellyn Derrick 4715 W. US 40 Hwy Blue Springs MO 64015 816-229-2522
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Columbia Paige Anne 3620 Interstate 70 Dr. SE, #C Columbia MO 65201 573-291-2555
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Jefferson City Jackson Deidre 1704 Christy Ct. Jefferson City MO 65109 573-298-0258
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Osage Beach Fish Julie 4821 Osage Beach Pkwy Osage Beach MO 65065 573-418-5207
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Rolla Cremer Chrissy 1202 E MO-72 Rolla MO 65401 573-616-6435
Chariton County Health Center Scheid Carrie 206 State St. Keytesville MO 65261 660-288-3675
Children's Mercy Hospital and Clincs Kemerling Laura 2401 Gillham Rd. Kansas City MO 64108 816-302-8642
Chillicothe Fire Dept. Zabka Nathan 700 2nd St. Chillicothe MO 64601 660-646-2139
Christian County Ambulance- Nixa & Spokane Gallant Jacquelynde 301 N. Main St. Nixa MO 65714 417-709-5042
Christian County Ambulance-Ozark & Sparta Gallant Jacquelynde 2112 N. 25th St. Ozark MO 65721 417-709-5042
Citizen's Memorial Hospital Trauma Coordinator Bolton Sarah 150 N. Oakland Ave. Bolivar MO 65613 417-328-6663
City of Chesterfield Police Dept. Meyer Chad 690 Chesterfield Parkway West Chesterfield MO 63017 636-537-3000
City of Clayton Fire Dept. Brooks Kathy 10 N. Bemiston Clayton MO 63105 314-290-8485
Clark County Health Dept. Kirchner Chanda 670 N. Johnson Kahoka MO 63445 660-727-2356
Clinton County Health Dept. Harvey Lucy 106 Bush St. Plattsburg MO 64477 816-539-2144
Clinton County Sheriff's Office Looper Robert 207 N. Main St. Plattsburg MO 64477 816-539-2156
CMCA Head Start - Fulton Dixon Shanna 1600 Westminster Fulton MO 65251 573-642-3201
CMCA Head Start - Jefferson City Rosinksi Sharon 605 Cherry St. Jefferson City MO 65101 573-636-3577
CMCA Head Start - Linn Weed Shelly 1317 E. Main St. Linn MO 65051 573-897-5730
CMCA Head Start - Warsaw Tharaldson Libby 31652 Hwy 83 Warsaw MO 65355 660-438-3289
Columbia Fire Dept. Atkins Darla 700 Big Bear Blvd. Columbia MO 65202 573-874-7644
Community Partnership of the Ozarks Wehmeier Erin 330 N. Jefferson Ave. Springfield MO 65806 417-888-2020
Cornerstones of Care Kaiser Maggie 500 Clark Ave. Union MO 63084 573-253-8873
Cox Health - Monett Brittenham Kristi 1000 E. Hwy. 60 Monett MO 65708 417-354-1448
Cox Health Trauma Center Spain Lucas 3801 S. National Ave., Suite 600 Springfield MO 65804 417-269-0920
Crawford County Health Center Copling Angie 202 W. Main St. Steelville MO 65565 573-775-2555
Crittenton Children's Center Brayer Katie 10920 Elm Ave. Kansas City MO 64134 816-986-5205
Dade County Health Dept. Cox Trinity 413 W. Water St. Greenfield MO 65661 417-637-2345
Daviess County Health Dept. King Racail 609A S. Main St. Gallatin MO 64640 660-663-2414
De Soto Rural Fire Protection District Arnold Gary 201 E. Miller St. De Soto MO 63020 636-586-2557
Della Lamb Community Services Colvin Ellie 500 Woodland Ave. Kansas City MO 64106 816-256-1396
Dent County Health Dept. Shepherd Brittany 1010 E. Scenic Rivers Blvd. Salem MO 65560 573-729-3106
Department of Public Health Seedyk Natasha 16037 Minnesota Ave. Bldg 2222 Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473 573-596-0518
Douglas County Health Dept. Twyman Misty 603 NW. 12th Ave. Ava MO 65608 417-683-4174
Dunklin /Stoddard Caring Council Godsey Jennifer 311 Kennett Kennett MO 63857 573-717-1158
Dunklin County Health Dept. Johnson Lisa 402 Recovery Rd. Kennett MO 63857 573-888-9008 x279
Easterseals Midwest - Carrollton Schuchmann Nicole 1320 N. Hwy. 65 Carrollton MO 64633 816-437-1809
Easterseals Midwest - Gladstone Sawyer Amy 101 NW. Englewood Rd. Gladstone MO 64118 816-394-5773
Easterseals Midwest - Kansas City Baleta Nina 1600 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City MO 64108 816-308-6461
Easterseals Midwest - St. Joseph Moore Megan 3126 Hirter Dr. St. Joseph MO 64506 816-259-6688
Easterseals Midwest - Warrensburg Milligan Madison 723 PCA Rd. Warrensburg MO   64093 636-893-7222
Easterseals Midwest at HCC - Lexington Silkwood Alyssa 825 S. Business Hwy 13 Lexington MO 64067 314-789-0041
ESCSWA - Early Head Start - Joplin Taylor-Hammond Sheila 3510 E. 3rd St. Joplin MO 64801 417-553-3530
ESCSWA - Early Head Start - Lamar Sipes Kaylee 1107 Broadway St. Lamar MO 64859 417-438-4080
Families and Communities Together (FACT) Burnett or Dugger Crystal or Tom 4 Melgrove Ln. Hannibal MO 63401 573-221-2285
Farmington Fire Dept. Carter Kyle 222 E. Columbia St. Farmington MO 63640 573-756-2324
Fayette Schools-Parents as Teachers Duren Melissa 702 Lucky St. Fayette MO 65248 660-248-2153
Fenton Fire District Schrempf Tony 845 Gregory Lane Fenton MO 63026 636-343-4188
Florissant Valley Fire Protection District Tuley Steve 661 St. Ferdinand St. Florissant MO 63031 314-837-4894
Fort Leonard Wood Fire Dept. Jensen Olaf 625 Colorado Ave. Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473 573-596-4710
Fort Leonard Wood Garrison Safety Lackey John 4040 Hawaii Ave. Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473 573-596-3449
Foster Adopt Connect Kelejian Dawn 509 S. Cavalier Ave. Springfield MO 65802 417-866-3672
Fruitland Area Fire Prot. District Whited Ben 7273 US Hwy. 61 Cape Girardeau MO 63755 573-243-6565
Fulton Fire Dept. Sing Russell 1201 Westminster Ave. Fulton MO 65251 573-592-3150
Gladstone Public Safety Kennedy Kyle 6569 N. Prospect Ave. Gladstone MO 64119 816-454-8310
Greene County Children's Division Aleshire Tabitha 149 Park Central Square Springfield MO 65806 417-895-7836
Greene County Sheriff's Office Hersh Matt 5100 W. Division St. Springfield MO 65802 417-868-4040
Grundy County Health Dept. Roof-Ewald Shelby 1716 Lincoln St. Trenton MO 64683 660-359-4196
Harrison County Health Dept. Callaway Shila 1700 Bethany Ave. Bethany MO 64424 660-425-6324
Harrisonville Police Department Sumner Peter 205 N. Lexington St. Harrisonville MO 64701 816-380-8940
Henry County Health Center Swaters Megan 111 N. 3rd St. Clinton MO 64735 660-885-8193
High Ridge Fire Protection District Cobb Jake 2842 High Ridge High Ridge MO 63049 636-677-3371
Highland Elementary-Lewis County C-1 Jett Jacqueline 25189 Heritage Ave. Lewistown MO   63452 573-209-3586
Holt County Health Dept. Istas Sarah 108 S. Main St. Oregon MO 64468 660-446-2909
Holt Fire Protection District Russell Wayland 260 N. State Rte. 33 Hwy. Holt MO 64048 816-320-3612
Howell County Health Dept. Hicks Dawn 180 S. Kentucky St. West Plains MO 65775 417-256-7078
Isabel's House, Crisis Nursery of the Ozarks Robertson Alyssa 2750 W. Bennett Springfield MO 65802 417-865-2273, Option 1, ask for Alyssa
Jackson County Public Health Schlenk Kristin 3651 NE. Ralph Powell Rd. Lee's Summit MO 64064 816-404-6444
Jackson Fire and Rescue Gentry Michael 503 S. Hope St. Jackson MO 63755 573-243-1010   
Jefferson City Fire Dept. Carrender Ryan 2304 Hyde Park Rd.  Jefferson City MO 65101 573-634-6401
Jefferson County Health Dept. Winkelmann Megan 1818 Lone Dell Rd. Arnold MO  63010 636-797-3737 x111
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Gearon Cpl. Christopher 400 First St. Hillsboro MO 63050 636-797-5023
Johnson County Community Health Services Crabtree Tammie 723 PCA Rd. Warrensburg MO 64093 660-747-6121
Kearney Fire & Rescue Booth Brett 201 E 6th St. Kearney MO 64060 816-628-4122
Laclede County C-5 School District Bench Aleah 16050 Hwy. KK Lebanon MO 65536 417-532-4837
Ladue Fire Dept. Jones Marcus 9213 Clayton Rd. Ladue MO 63124 314-993-0181
Lafayette County Health Dept. Jensen Breann 547 S. Business Highway 13 Lexington MO 64067 660-259-4371
Lake Ozark Fire Protection District Kauten Michelle 1767 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark MO 65049 573-365-3380
Lawrence County Health Dept. Bradshaw Tana 105 W. North St. Mt. Vernon MO   65712 417-466-2201
Lebanon Fire Dept.-Station 3 Jordan Andy 1300 Ivey Ln. Lebanon MO 65536 417-532-2104
Lewis County Health Dept. Wilson Alexis 101 State Hwy A Monticello MO   63457 573-767-5312
Lifeline PHC Polovich Kris 1515 N. New St. Kirksville MO 63501 660-665-5688
Lincoln County Health Dept. Drapp Maddie 5 Health Department Dr. Troy MO 63379 636-528-6117
Linn County Health Dept. Severa Amber 635 S. Main Brookfield MO 64628 660-258-7251
Linn Police Dept. Ford Sam 1200 East Main St. Linn MO 65051 573-897-2236
Livingston County Health Dept. Taylor Mary 800 Adam Dr. Chillicothe MO 64601 660-646-5506
Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District Stewart Donevon 3427 S. State Hwy. 125 Rogersville MO 65742 417-942-9040
Macon County Health Dept. Corbin Stacy 503 US-63 Macon MO 63552 660-385-4711
Madison County Health Dept. Smith Wendy 105 Armory St. Fredericktown MO 63645 573-783-2747
Marion County Ambulance District Garrett Kari 142 Jaycee Dr. Hannibal MO 63401 573-221-5510
Marshall Public Schools Parents As Teachers Dunlap Alyssa 700 E. Slater St. Marshall MO 65340 660-886-5800
Maryland Heights Fire District Taetz Shaylor 2600 Schuetz Rd. Maryland Heights MO 63043 314-298-4400
McDonald County Health Dept. Buckman Karen 3446 S. Business Hwy. 71 Pineville MO 64856 417-223-4351 x303
Mehlville Fire Protection District Marcee Scott 11020 Mueller Rd. St. Louis MO 63123 314-894-0420
Mercer County Health Dept. Finney Gina 305 W. Main St. Princeton MO 64673 660-748-3630
Mercy Hospital-Washington Harriman Nicki 901 E. 5th Washington  MO 63090 636-239-8645
Mid County Fire Protection District Johnson Lianne 184 N. Business Route 5 Camdenton MO 65020 573-346-4423
Miller County Health Center Clement Mara 2125 Highway 52 Tuscumbia MO 65082 573-369-2359
Mississippi County Caring Communities Cogdill Danielle 603 N. Garfield East Prairie MO 63845 573-683-7551
Mississippi County Health Dept. Jones Reva 1200 E. Marshall Charleston MO 63834 573-683-2191
Missouri Bootheel Regional Consortium Draves or Minner Katelyn or Brandy 903 S. Kingshighway, Suite A Sikeston MO 63801 573-471-9400
Missouri Ozarks Community Action Hess Kimberly 19778 Sackett Ln. Waynesville MO 65583 573-774-2460
Missouri State Highway Patrol - GHQ Brown Lieutenant Eric 1510 E. Elm St. Jefferson City MO 65101 573-526-6115

Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop A


Bell or
Sergeant Andy or Justin 504 SE. Blue Parkway Lee's Summit MO 64063 816-622-0800
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop B Dunn Corporal Justin 308 Pine Crest Dr. Macon MO 63552 660-385-2132
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop C Thompson or Bolton Corporal Dallas or Corporal Logan 891 Technology Dr. Weldon Spring MO 63304 636-300-2800
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop D McClure or Carpenter Sergeant Mike or Corporal Sam 3131 E. Kearney St. Springfield MO 65803 417-895-6868
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop E Parrott Sergeant Clark 4869-5199 US-67 Poplar Bluff MO 63901 573-840-9500
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop F Green  Corporal Kyle 2920 N. Shamrock Rd. Jefferson City MO 65102 573-751-1000
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop G Young Sergeant Eddie 1226 W. Business Highway 60/63 Willow Springs MO 65793 417-469-3121
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop H Hux Sergeant Shane 3525 N. Belt Hwy. St. Joseph MO 64506 816-387-2345
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop I Mitchell Sergeant Mike 1301 Nagogami Rd. Rolla MO 65402 573-368-2345
MoDOT-Jefferson City Hinkson Lillian 830 MoDOT Dr. Jefferson City MO 65109 573-751-5420
MoDOT-St. Joseph Dydell Amber 3602 N. Belt Hwy. St. Joseph MO 64506 816-387-2437
Moniteau County Health Dept. Trejo Breanna 401 S. Francis St. California MO   65081 573-796-3412
Monroe County Health Dept. Elliott Tammy 310 N. Market St Paris MO 65275 660-327-4259 x 231
Montgomery County Health Dept. Eaklor Melissa 400 Salisbury St. Montgomery City MO 63361 573-564-2495
Morgan County Health Center Morris Stacey 104 W. Lafayette Versailles MO 65084 573-378-5438
Mountain Grove Fire Dept. Gibbens Clinton 301 Morris Ave. Mountain Grove MO 65711 417-926-4445
New Madrid County Family Resource Ctr. Fisher  John 420 Virginia Ave. New Madrid MO 63869 573-748-2708
Newton County Health   Garcia Manny 812 W. Harmony St.  Neosho MO 64850 417-451-3743
Nodaway County Health Dept. Frank  Tabitha 2416 S. Main St. Maryville MO 64468 660-562-2755
North Kansas City Fire Dept. Stoneking Zach 1815 Howell St. N. Kansas City MO 64116 816-274-6025
Oran Fire Protection District Schlitt Alex 404 S. Railroad St. Oran MO 63771 573-262-2216
Osage Beach Police Dept. Morely Dililexie 1000 City Parkway Osage Beach MO 65065 573-302-2010 x308
Osage County Health Dept. Rogers Elisha 1218 E. Main St. Linn MO 65051 573-897-3103
Ozark County Health Dept. Collins Dara 370 3rd St. Gainesville MO 65655 417-679-3334
Pattonville Fire Protection District Barnhart Mark 13900 St. Charles Rock Rd. Bridgeton MO   63044 314-739-3118
Peculiar Police Dept. Grabmiller Phil 224 S. Main Peculiar MO 64078 816-779-5102
Pemiscot County Initiative Net. Pylate Vikki 711 W. 3rd St. Caruthersville MO 63830 573-333-5301
Perry County Health Dept. Schuessler Angelia 406 N. Spring St.  Perryville MO 63775 573-547-6564    
Perryville Police Department Miller  Dustin 120 N. Jackson Perryville MO 63775 573-547-4546
Pettis County Health Dept. Elliott Erica 911 E. 16th St. Sedalia MO 65301 660-827-1130
Pike County Health Dept. Gamm or Orf Kim or Robin 1 Healthcare Place Bowling Green MO 63334 573-324-6373
Platte County Sheriff's Office Ballor Contrinka 11724 NW. Plaza Circle Kansas City MO 64153 816-858-1952
Polk County Health Dept. Bookhout Carol 1317 W. Broadway St. Bolivar MO 65613 417-326-7250
Poplar Bluff Fire Dept. Buhler Joshua 300 S. Broadway Poplar Bluff MO 63901 573-686-8692
Potosi Fire Protection District Nickles Rochelle 313 E. Jefferson St. Potosi MO 63664 573-438-5465
Potosi R3 School District Kurtzeborn Abbi 308 Lilac Dr. Potosi MO  63664 573-438-2223
Pulaski County Health Center Luecke Ashly 104 Ashley May Ln. Waynesville MO 65583 573-774-3820
Putnam County Health Dept. Guffey Kari 103 N. 18th St. Unionville MO 63565 660-947-2429
Ralls County Health Dept. Munger Jessica 405 W. 1st St. New London MO 63459 573-985-7121
Randolph County Health Dept. Shah Kena 1319 US Hwy. 24, Suite A Moberly MO 65270 660-263-6643
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Hospital Cave Rebecca 11365 Dorsett Maryland Heights MO   63043  314-872-6597
Ray County Health Dept. Stevinson Mandy 820 E. Lexington St. Richmond MO 64085 816-776-5413
Raytown EMS Cushman Matthew 10020 E. 66th Terrace Raytown MO 64133 816-737-6035
Redings Mill Fire Protection District Hasty Leif 344 Redings Mill Rd. Joplin MO 64804 417-624-2715
Republic Fire Dept. Flagg Sterling 701 US Hwy. 60 Republic MO 65738 417-732-3800
Reynolds County Health Center Beardsley Lisa 2323 Green St. Centerville MO 63633 573-648-2498
Rock Township Ambulance District Hemmelman Joshua 6707 St. Luke's Church Rd. Barnhart MO 63012 636-296-5066 x1404
Rolla Fire and Rescue Proffitt Scott 1490 MO BB Rolla MO 65401 573-354-3989
Rolla Fire and Rescue Station 2 Proffitt Scott 400 W. 4th St. Rolla MO 65401 573-365-3989
Safe House of Southeast Missouri Green Jessie 2350 Independence Cape Girardeau MO 63703 573-335-7745 x 105
Safe Kids Columbia Brooks Jenny 404 N. Keene St., DC519.00 Columbia MO 65201 573-771-9216
Safe Kids Springfield and Mercy Injury Prevention Center McKinney Leigha 1570 W. Battlefield, Suite 110 Springfield MO 65807 417-820-7233
Safe Kids St. Louis/SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital Fanter Kim 1465 South Grand Blvd. St. Louis MO 63104 314-678-5474
Safety and Health Council of Western Missouri and Kansas Smith Beverly 9150 E. 41st Terrace, Suite 215 Kansas City MO 64133 816-842-5223 x 233
Safety Basics LLC Moble Fitting Station McCabe Debbie 9058 Watson Rd., Suite B St. Louis MO 63126 314-504-7926
Saline County Health Department Hoskins Chelsea 1825 Atchison Ave. Marshall MO 65340 660-886-9494
Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center Martinez Marlenis 825 Euclid Ave. Kansas City MO 64124 816-889-1930
School of the Osage Parents as Teachers Willoughby Trena 1571 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark MO 65049 573-365-2304
Schuyler County Health Dept. Magers Kathryn 213 S. Green St. Lancaster MO 63548 660-457-3721
Scotland County Health Dept. Holt Nancy 214 W. Madison St. Memphis MO 63555 660-465-7275
Scott County Health Dept. Dame Stacey 102 Grove Estates Ct. Sikeston MO 63801 573-471-4044
Sedalia Fire Dept. Parnell Joseph 2606 W. 16th St. Sedalia MO 65301 660-826-8044
Shelby County Health Dept. Barrick Amanda 700 E. Main St. Shelbyville MO 63469 573-633-2353
Smithville Area Fire Protection District Watkins Byron 341 Park Dr. Smithville MO 64089 816-532-4902
South Central MO Community Action Center - Doniphan Baker Elizabeth 506 Lafayette St. Doniphan MO 63935 573-996-5059
South Central MO Community Action Center - Poplar Bluff Baker Elizabeth 1716 S. Broadway Poplar Bluff MO 63901 573-785-4727
Spanish Lake Fire Protection District Ruchalski Andrea 12220 Bellefontaine Rd. St. Louis MO  63138 314-741-7300
St. Charles County Ambulance District Buehrig Amanda 2000 Salt River Rd. St. Peters MO 63376 636-344-7687
St. Clair County Health Center Cone Melissa 530 Arduser Dr. Osceola MO 64776 417-646-8157
St. Francois County Health Center Ragsdale Linda 1025 W. Main St. Park Hills MO 63601 573-431-1947
St. Joseph Safety & Health Council Till Frank 3131 Frederick Ave., Suite 220 St. Joseph MO 64506 816- 233-3330
Ste. Genevieve Area Center for Life - Options for Women Rahn Sara 1019 N. Kingshighway Perryville MO 63775 573-547-3800
Ste. Genevieve County Health Dept. Palmer Jessica 115 Basler Dr. Ste. Genevieve MO 63670 573-883-7411
Stoddard County Ambulance Services Gibson Crystal 501 W. Business 60 Dexter MO 63841 417-988-4060
Stoddard County Public Health Center Jackson-Hessling Michelle 1001 N. Highway 25 Bloomfield  MO 63825 573-568-4593 x212
Stone County Health Dept. Gunn Jami 701 Old Wilderness Rd. Reeds Spring MO 65737 417-357-6134
Sullivan County Health Dept. Perez Jacquelyn 101 Hawthorne Dr. Milan MO 63556 660-292-4573
Taney County Health Dept. - Branson Miller Kara 320 Rinehart Rd. Branson MO 65616 417-334-4544
Taney County Health Dept.- Forsyth Harrison Delesa 15479 US Hwy. 160 Forsyth MO 65653 417-546-4725
Texas County Health Dept. Cook Johnna 950 N. Hwy 63 Houston MO 65483 417-967-4269
The Alliance of Southwest Missouri Pryor Charlene 1601 S. Wall Ave. Joplin MO 64804 417-872-6381
The LIGHT House McAdam Andrea 400 W. Meyer Blvd. Kansas City MO 64113 816-361-2233
Trenton Fire Dept. Hert Derek 1001 E. 17th St. Trenton MO 64683 660-359-5552
Tri County Fire Protection District Campbell Michael 111 W. Washington St. Richland MO 65556 573-596-0886
Tri County Sports Center Sitler Lisa 41 College Campus Dr. Moscow Mills MO 63362 314-412-2833
Tri-County Health Dept. Redden Karrie 302 N. Park St. Stanberry  MO 64489 660-783-2707
Vernon County Health Dept. Rainey Kristen 301 N. Washington St. Nevada MO 64772 417-667-7418
Walnut Grove Fire Protection District Tranburger Joshua 540 N. Washington Walnut Grove MO 65770 417-838-3816
Washington County Ambulance District (Reynolds Co Base) Beard Ashley 2200 Hwy 21 Centerville MO 63633 573-438-3635
Washington County Ambulance District (Washington Co Base) Mingo Tony 6900 Bill Gum Business Blvd. Mineral Point MO 63660 573-438-3635
Washington Police Dept. Hellebusch Stephanie 301 Jefferson St. Washington  MO 63090 636-390-1050
Webster County Health Dept  Gehrke Martha 233 E. Washington Marshfield MO 65706 417-859-2532
West Plains Fire Dept. Hammon Richie 1901 Kissinger St. West Plains MO 65775 417-256-2424
West Plains R-7 Holmes Caty 610 E. Olden St. West Plains MO 65775 417-256-6150
Whole Kids Outreach Pendley Connie 62143 Hwy. 21 Ellington MO 63638 573-663-3257
Williams Family Support Center Snyder Amber 801 E. Breckenridge St.  Mexico MO 65265 573-721-3186
Worth County Sheriff's Dept. Cain Jason 11 W. 4th St. Grant City MO 64456 660-564-2222
Wright City Fire Protection District Riebe Joshua 396 W. 2nd St. N. Wright City MO 63390 636-745-2262
Wright County Health Dept. Glenn Courtnie 602 E. State St. Mountain Grove MO 65711 417-926-0009