Organization | Last Name | First Name | Address | City | State | Zip | Phone |
10th Circuit Children's Division | Helton | Melanie | 3055 Holman Dr. | Hannibal | MO | 63401 | 573-406-6941 |
509 Security Forces | Stagnolia | Beth | 1031 Vandenberg Ave., Ste. 502B | Whiteman AFB | MO | 65305 | 660-687-4341 |
Adair County Ambulance | Probst | Kat | 606 W. Potter Ave. | Kirksville | MO | 63501 | 660-665-0000 |
Adair County Children's Division | Latman | Isaac | 1612 N. Osteopathy St. | Kirksville | MO | 63501 | 660-851-3245 |
Adair County Health Dept. | Bettes or Dietle | Emily or Kirstyn | 1001 S. Jamison St. | Kirksville | MO | 63501 | 660-665-8491 |
Affton Fire Protection District | Bryant | Mark | 9282 Gravois Rd. | St. Louis | MO | 63123 | 314-631-1803 x6 |
Andrew County Health Dept. | Loucks | Hillary | 106 N. 5th St. | Savannah | MO | 64485 | 816-324-3139 |
Angels Within Foundation | Greer | Karen | 4108 W. Florissant Ave. | St. Louis | MO | 63115 | 314-280-5557 |
Audrain County Health Dept. | Elliott or Meyer | Jodi or Brandi | 1130 S. Elmwood | Mexico | MO | 65265 | 573-581-1332 |
Barry County Health Dept. | Wagner | Jessica | 65 Main St. | Cassville | MO | 65625 | 417-847-2114 |
Barton County Health Dept. | Hayden | Michelle | 1301 E. 12th St. | Lamar | MO | 64759 | 417-682-3363 |
Bates County Health Center | Knox | Jordan | 501 N. Orange | Bulter | MO | 64730 | 660-679-6108 |
Benton County Health Dept. | Keyte | Ethel | 1238 Commercial | Warsaw | MO | 65355 | 660-438-2876 |
Berkeley Fire Dept. | Harris | Catrell | 8401 Airport Rd. | Berkeley | MO | 63134 | 314-941-3843 |
Bismarck Fire Protection District | Gravett | Kegan | 910 Veterans Dr. | Bismarck | MO | 63624 | 573-315-4577 |
Boles Fire Protection District | Woodruff | Matt | 2731 Hwy. T | Labadie | MO | 63055 | 636-742-2515 |
Bollinger County Health Dept. | Lindsey | Katie | 107 Hwy. 51 N | Marble Hill | MO | 63764 | 573-238-2817 |
Boonslick Regional Planning Commission | Mowery | Dawn | 111 Steinhagen Dr. | Warrenton | MO | 63383 | 636-456-3473 |
Boonville Police Dept. | Roberts | Larry | 401 E. Morgan | Boonville | MO | 65233 | 660-882-2727 |
Brookline Fire Protection District | Sidebottom | Chris | 3504 E. Orr St. | Republic | MO | 65619 | 417-771-7570 |
Butler County Health Dept. | Dunn | Karra | 1619 N. Main | Poplar Bluff | MO | 63901 | 573-785-8478 |
Caldwell County Health Dept. | Railsback | Amanda | 255 W. Main St. | Kingston | MO | 64650 | 816- 586-2311 |
Callaway County Ambulance District | Hartzler | Susan | 311 Hickman Ave. | Fulton | MO | 65251 | 573-642-7260 |
Camden County Health Dept. | Thornsberry | Rhonda | 1976 N. Business Hwy. 5 | Camdenton | MO | 65020 | 573-346-5479 x209 |
Cape Girardeau Fire Dept. | Angle | Justin | 1 S. Sprigg St. | Jackson | MO | 63755 | 573-339-6330 |
Cape Girardeau Safe Communities Program/Police Dept. | Church | Emily | 2530 Maria Louise Ln. | Cape Girardeau | MO | 63701 | 573- 339-6365 |
Carroll County Health Dept. | Brock | Judy | 5 N. Ely St. | Carrollton | MO | 64633 | 660-542-3247 |
Carter County Health Dept. | Swyres | Kaylee | 1611 Health Center Rd. | Van Buren | MO | 63965 | 573-323-4413 |
Cass County Health Dept. | Prososki | Allie | 300 S. Main | Harrisonville | MO | 64071 | 816-380-8425 |
Cedar County Health Dept. | Walker | Holly | 1317 MO-32 | Ed Dorado Springs | MO | 64744 | 417-876-5477 |
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District | Lenhart | Jeremy | 6766 Cedar Hill Rd. | Cedar Hill | MO | 63016 | 636-285-3345 |
Center for Human Services | Bryant | Ann | 1003 E. Clark St. | Clinton | MO | 64735 | 660-620-2430 |
Central Jackson County Fire Protection District | Llewellyn | Derrick | 4715 W. US 40 Hwy | Blue Springs | MO | 64015 | 816-229-2522 |
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Columbia | Paige | Anne | 3620 Interstate 70 Dr. SE, #C | Columbia | MO | 65201 | 573-291-2555 |
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Jefferson City | Jackson | Deidre | 1704 Christy Ct. | Jefferson City | MO | 65109 | 573-298-0258 |
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Osage Beach | Fish | Julie | 4821 Osage Beach Pkwy | Osage Beach | MO | 65065 | 573-418-5207 |
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association - Rolla | Cremer | Chrissy | 1202 E MO-72 | Rolla | MO | 65401 | 573-616-6435 |
Chariton County Health Center | Scheid | Carrie | 206 State St. | Keytesville | MO | 65261 | 660-288-3675 |
Children's Mercy Hospital and Clincs | Kemerling | Laura | 2401 Gillham Rd. | Kansas City | MO | 64108 | 816-302-8642 |
Chillicothe Fire Dept. | Zabka | Nathan | 700 2nd St. | Chillicothe | MO | 64601 | 660-646-2139 |
Christian County Ambulance- Nixa & Spokane | Gallant | Jacquelynde | 301 N. Main St. | Nixa | MO | 65714 | 417-709-5042 |
Christian County Ambulance-Ozark & Sparta | Gallant | Jacquelynde | 2112 N. 25th St. | Ozark | MO | 65721 | 417-709-5042 |
Citizen's Memorial Hospital Trauma Coordinator | Bolton | Sarah | 150 N. Oakland Ave. | Bolivar | MO | 65613 | 417-328-6663 |
City of Chesterfield Police Dept. | Meyer | Chad | 690 Chesterfield Parkway West | Chesterfield | MO | 63017 | 636-537-3000 |
City of Clayton Fire Dept. | Brooks | Kathy | 10 N. Bemiston | Clayton | MO | 63105 | 314-290-8485 |
Clark County Health Dept. | Kirchner | Chanda | 670 N. Johnson | Kahoka | MO | 63445 | 660-727-2356 |
Clinton County Health Dept. | Harvey | Lucy | 106 Bush St. | Plattsburg | MO | 64477 | 816-539-2144 |
Clinton County Sheriff's Office | Looper | Robert | 207 N. Main St. | Plattsburg | MO | 64477 | 816-539-2156 |
CMCA Head Start - Fulton | Dixon | Shanna | 1600 Westminster | Fulton | MO | 65251 | 573-642-3201 |
CMCA Head Start - Jefferson City | Rosinksi | Sharon | 605 Cherry St. | Jefferson City | MO | 65101 | 573-636-3577 |
CMCA Head Start - Linn | Weed | Shelly | 1317 E. Main St. | Linn | MO | 65051 | 573-897-5730 |
CMCA Head Start - Warsaw | Tharaldson | Libby | 31652 Hwy 83 | Warsaw | MO | 65355 | 660-438-3289 |
Columbia Fire Dept. | Atkins | Darla | 700 Big Bear Blvd. | Columbia | MO | 65202 | 573-874-7644 |
Community Partnership of the Ozarks | Wehmeier | Erin | 330 N. Jefferson Ave. | Springfield | MO | 65806 | 417-888-2020 |
Cornerstones of Care | Kaiser | Maggie | 500 Clark Ave. | Union | MO | 63084 | 573-253-8873 |
Cox Health - Monett | Brittenham | Kristi | 1000 E. Hwy. 60 | Monett | MO | 65708 | 417-354-1448 |
Cox Health Trauma Center | Spain | Lucas | 3801 S. National Ave., Suite 600 | Springfield | MO | 65804 | 417-269-0920 |
Crawford County Health Center | Copling | Angie | 202 W. Main St. | Steelville | MO | 65565 | 573-775-2555 |
Crittenton Children's Center | Brayer | Katie | 10920 Elm Ave. | Kansas City | MO | 64134 | 816-986-5205 |
Dade County Health Dept. | Cox | Trinity | 413 W. Water St. | Greenfield | MO | 65661 | 417-637-2345 |
Daviess County Health Dept. | King | Racail | 609A S. Main St. | Gallatin | MO | 64640 | 660-663-2414 |
De Soto Rural Fire Protection District | Arnold | Gary | 201 E. Miller St. | De Soto | MO | 63020 | 636-586-2557 |
Della Lamb Community Services | Colvin | Ellie | 500 Woodland Ave. | Kansas City | MO | 64106 | 816-256-1396 |
Dent County Health Dept. | Shepherd | Brittany | 1010 E. Scenic Rivers Blvd. | Salem | MO | 65560 | 573-729-3106 |
Department of Public Health | Seedyk | Natasha | 16037 Minnesota Ave. Bldg 2222 | Fort Leonard Wood | MO | 65473 | 573-596-0518 |
Douglas County Health Dept. | Twyman | Misty | 603 NW. 12th Ave. | Ava | MO | 65608 | 417-683-4174 |
Dunklin /Stoddard Caring Council | Godsey | Jennifer | 311 Kennett | Kennett | MO | 63857 | 573-717-1158 |
Dunklin County Health Dept. | Johnson | Lisa | 402 Recovery Rd. | Kennett | MO | 63857 | 573-888-9008 x279 |
Easterseals Midwest - Carrollton | Schuchmann | Nicole | 1320 N. Hwy. 65 | Carrollton | MO | 64633 | 816-437-1809 |
Easterseals Midwest - Gladstone | Sawyer | Amy | 101 NW. Englewood Rd. | Gladstone | MO | 64118 | 816-394-5773 |
Easterseals Midwest - Kansas City | Baleta | Nina | 1600 Baltimore Ave. | Kansas City | MO | 64108 | 816-308-6461 |
Easterseals Midwest - St. Joseph | Moore | Megan | 3126 Hirter Dr. | St. Joseph | MO | 64506 | 816-259-6688 |
Easterseals Midwest - Warrensburg | Milligan | Madison | 723 PCA Rd. | Warrensburg | MO | 64093 | 636-893-7222 |
Easterseals Midwest at HCC - Lexington | Silkwood | Alyssa | 825 S. Business Hwy 13 | Lexington | MO | 64067 | 314-789-0041 |
ESCSWA - Early Head Start - Joplin | Taylor-Hammond | Sheila | 3510 E. 3rd St. | Joplin | MO | 64801 | 417-553-3530 |
ESCSWA - Early Head Start - Lamar | Sipes | Kaylee | 1107 Broadway St. | Lamar | MO | 64859 | 417-438-4080 |
Families and Communities Together (FACT) | Burnett or Dugger | Crystal or Tom | 4 Melgrove Ln. | Hannibal | MO | 63401 | 573-221-2285 |
Farmington Fire Dept. | Carter | Kyle | 222 E. Columbia St. | Farmington | MO | 63640 | 573-756-2324 |
Fayette Schools-Parents as Teachers | Duren | Melissa | 702 Lucky St. | Fayette | MO | 65248 | 660-248-2153 |
Fenton Fire District | Schrempf | Tony | 845 Gregory Lane | Fenton | MO | 63026 | 636-343-4188 |
Florissant Valley Fire Protection District | Tuley | Steve | 661 St. Ferdinand St. | Florissant | MO | 63031 | 314-837-4894 |
Fort Leonard Wood Fire Dept. | Jensen | Olaf | 625 Colorado Ave. | Fort Leonard Wood | MO | 65473 | 573-596-4710 |
Fort Leonard Wood Garrison Safety | Lackey | John | 4040 Hawaii Ave. | Fort Leonard Wood | MO | 65473 | 573-596-3449 |
Foster Adopt Connect | Kelejian | Dawn | 509 S. Cavalier Ave. | Springfield | MO | 65802 | 417-866-3672 |
Fruitland Area Fire Prot. District | Whited | Ben | 7273 US Hwy. 61 | Cape Girardeau | MO | 63755 | 573-243-6565 |
Fulton Fire Dept. | Sing | Russell | 1201 Westminster Ave. | Fulton | MO | 65251 | 573-592-3150 |
Gladstone Public Safety | Kennedy | Kyle | 6569 N. Prospect Ave. | Gladstone | MO | 64119 | 816-454-8310 |
Greene County Children's Division | Aleshire | Tabitha | 149 Park Central Square | Springfield | MO | 65806 | 417-895-7836 |
Greene County Sheriff's Office | Hersh | Matt | 5100 W. Division St. | Springfield | MO | 65802 | 417-868-4040 |
Grundy County Health Dept. | Roof-Ewald | Shelby | 1716 Lincoln St. | Trenton | MO | 64683 | 660-359-4196 |
Harrison County Health Dept. | Callaway | Shila | 1700 Bethany Ave. | Bethany | MO | 64424 | 660-425-6324 |
Harrisonville Police Department | Sumner | Peter | 205 N. Lexington St. | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 | 816-380-8940 |
Henry County Health Center | Swaters | Megan | 111 N. 3rd St. | Clinton | MO | 64735 | 660-885-8193 |
High Ridge Fire Protection District | Cobb | Jake | 2842 High Ridge | High Ridge | MO | 63049 | 636-677-3371 |
Highland Elementary-Lewis County C-1 | Jett | Jacqueline | 25189 Heritage Ave. | Lewistown | MO | 63452 | 573-209-3586 |
Holt County Health Dept. | Istas | Sarah | 108 S. Main St. | Oregon | MO | 64468 | 660-446-2909 |
Holt Fire Protection District | Russell | Wayland | 260 N. State Rte. 33 Hwy. | Holt | MO | 64048 | 816-320-3612 |
Howell County Health Dept. | Hicks | Dawn | 180 S. Kentucky St. | West Plains | MO | 65775 | 417-256-7078 |
Isabel's House, Crisis Nursery of the Ozarks | Robertson | Alyssa | 2750 W. Bennett | Springfield | MO | 65802 | 417-865-2273, Option 1, ask for Alyssa |
Jackson County Public Health | Schlenk | Kristin | 3651 NE. Ralph Powell Rd. | Lee's Summit | MO | 64064 | 816-404-6444 |
Jackson Fire and Rescue | Gentry | Michael | 503 S. Hope St. | Jackson | MO | 63755 | 573-243-1010 |
Jefferson City Fire Dept. | Carrender | Ryan | 2304 Hyde Park Rd. | Jefferson City | MO | 65101 | 573-634-6401 |
Jefferson County Health Dept. | Winkelmann | Megan | 1818 Lone Dell Rd. | Arnold | MO | 63010 | 636-797-3737 x111 |
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office | Gearon | Cpl. Christopher | 400 First St. | Hillsboro | MO | 63050 | 636-797-5023 |
Johnson County Community Health Services | Crabtree | Tammie | 723 PCA Rd. | Warrensburg | MO | 64093 | 660-747-6121 |
Kearney Fire & Rescue | Booth | Brett | 201 E 6th St. | Kearney | MO | 64060 | 816-628-4122 |
Laclede County C-5 School District | Bench | Aleah | 16050 Hwy. KK | Lebanon | MO | 65536 | 417-532-4837 |
Ladue Fire Dept. | Jones | Marcus | 9213 Clayton Rd. | Ladue | MO | 63124 | 314-993-0181 |
Lafayette County Health Dept. | Jensen | Breann | 547 S. Business Highway 13 | Lexington | MO | 64067 | 660-259-4371 |
Lake Ozark Fire Protection District | Kauten | Michelle | 1767 Bagnell Dam Blvd. | Lake Ozark | MO | 65049 | 573-365-3380 |
Lawrence County Health Dept. | Bradshaw | Tana | 105 W. North St. | Mt. Vernon | MO | 65712 | 417-466-2201 |
Lebanon Fire Dept.-Station 3 | Jordan | Andy | 1300 Ivey Ln. | Lebanon | MO | 65536 | 417-532-2104 |
Lewis County Health Dept. | Wilson | Alexis | 101 State Hwy A | Monticello | MO | 63457 | 573-767-5312 |
Lifeline PHC | Polovich | Kris | 1515 N. New St. | Kirksville | MO | 63501 | 660-665-5688 |
Lincoln County Health Dept. | Drapp | Maddie | 5 Health Department Dr. | Troy | MO | 63379 | 636-528-6117 |
Linn County Health Dept. | Severa | Amber | 635 S. Main | Brookfield | MO | 64628 | 660-258-7251 |
Linn Police Dept. | Ford | Sam | 1200 East Main St. | Linn | MO | 65051 | 573-897-2236 |
Livingston County Health Dept. | Taylor | Mary | 800 Adam Dr. | Chillicothe | MO | 64601 | 660-646-5506 |
Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District | Stewart | Donevon | 3427 S. State Hwy. 125 | Rogersville | MO | 65742 | 417-942-9040 |
Macon County Health Dept. | Corbin | Stacy | 503 US-63 | Macon | MO | 63552 | 660-385-4711 |
Madison County Health Dept. | Smith | Wendy | 105 Armory St. | Fredericktown | MO | 63645 | 573-783-2747 |
Marion County Ambulance District | Garrett | Kari | 142 Jaycee Dr. | Hannibal | MO | 63401 | 573-221-5510 |
Marshall Public Schools Parents As Teachers | Dunlap | Alyssa | 700 E. Slater St. | Marshall | MO | 65340 | 660-886-5800 |
Maryland Heights Fire District | Taetz | Shaylor | 2600 Schuetz Rd. | Maryland Heights | MO | 63043 | 314-298-4400 |
McDonald County Health Dept. | Buckman | Karen | 3446 S. Business Hwy. 71 | Pineville | MO | 64856 | 417-223-4351 x303 |
Mehlville Fire Protection District | Marcee | Scott | 11020 Mueller Rd. | St. Louis | MO | 63123 | 314-894-0420 |
Mercer County Health Dept. | Finney | Gina | 305 W. Main St. | Princeton | MO | 64673 | 660-748-3630 |
Mercy Hospital-Washington | Harriman | Nicki | 901 E. 5th | Washington | MO | 63090 | 636-239-8645 |
Mid County Fire Protection District | Johnson | Lianne | 184 N. Business Route 5 | Camdenton | MO | 65020 | 573-346-4423 |
Miller County Health Center | Clement | Mara | 2125 Highway 52 | Tuscumbia | MO | 65082 | 573-369-2359 |
Mississippi County Caring Communities | Cogdill | Danielle | 603 N. Garfield | East Prairie | MO | 63845 | 573-683-7551 |
Mississippi County Health Dept. | Jones | Reva | 1200 E. Marshall | Charleston | MO | 63834 | 573-683-2191 |
Missouri Bootheel Regional Consortium | Draves or Minner | Katelyn or Brandy | 903 S. Kingshighway, Suite A | Sikeston | MO | 63801 | 573-471-9400 |
Missouri Ozarks Community Action | Hess | Kimberly | 19778 Sackett Ln. | Waynesville | MO | 65583 | 573-774-2460 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol - GHQ | Brown | Lieutenant Eric | 1510 E. Elm St. | Jefferson City | MO | 65101 | 573-526-6115 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop A
Bell or Ewing |
Sergeant Andy or Justin | 504 SE. Blue Parkway | Lee's Summit | MO | 64063 | 816-622-0800 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop B | Dunn | Corporal Justin | 308 Pine Crest Dr. | Macon | MO | 63552 | 660-385-2132 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop C | Thompson or Bolton | Corporal Dallas or Corporal Logan | 891 Technology Dr. | Weldon Spring | MO | 63304 | 636-300-2800 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop D | McClure or Carpenter | Sergeant Mike or Corporal Sam | 3131 E. Kearney St. | Springfield | MO | 65803 | 417-895-6868 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop E | Parrott | Sergeant Clark | 4869-5199 US-67 | Poplar Bluff | MO | 63901 | 573-840-9500 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop F | Green | Corporal Kyle | 2920 N. Shamrock Rd. | Jefferson City | MO | 65102 | 573-751-1000 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop G | Young | Sergeant Eddie | 1226 W. Business Highway 60/63 | Willow Springs | MO | 65793 | 417-469-3121 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop H | Hux | Sergeant Shane | 3525 N. Belt Hwy. | St. Joseph | MO | 64506 | 816-387-2345 |
Missouri State Highway Patrol- Troop I | Mitchell | Sergeant Mike | 1301 Nagogami Rd. | Rolla | MO | 65402 | 573-368-2345 |
MoDOT-Jefferson City | Hinkson | Lillian | 830 MoDOT Dr. | Jefferson City | MO | 65109 | 573-751-5420 |
MoDOT-St. Joseph | Dydell | Amber | 3602 N. Belt Hwy. | St. Joseph | MO | 64506 | 816-387-2437 |
Moniteau County Health Dept. | Trejo | Breanna | 401 S. Francis St. | California | MO | 65081 | 573-796-3412 |
Monroe County Health Dept. | Elliott | Tammy | 310 N. Market St | Paris | MO | 65275 | 660-327-4259 x 231 |
Montgomery County Health Dept. | Eaklor | Melissa | 400 Salisbury St. | Montgomery City | MO | 63361 | 573-564-2495 |
Morgan County Health Center | Morris | Stacey | 104 W. Lafayette | Versailles | MO | 65084 | 573-378-5438 |
Mountain Grove Fire Dept. | Gibbens | Clinton | 301 Morris Ave. | Mountain Grove | MO | 65711 | 417-926-4445 |
New Madrid County Family Resource Ctr. | Fisher | John | 420 Virginia Ave. | New Madrid | MO | 63869 | 573-748-2708 |
Newton County Health | Garcia | Manny | 812 W. Harmony St. | Neosho | MO | 64850 | 417-451-3743 |
Nodaway County Health Dept. | Frank | Tabitha | 2416 S. Main St. | Maryville | MO | 64468 | 660-562-2755 |
North Kansas City Fire Dept. | Stoneking | Zach | 1815 Howell St. | N. Kansas City | MO | 64116 | 816-274-6025 |
Oran Fire Protection District | Schlitt | Alex | 404 S. Railroad St. | Oran | MO | 63771 | 573-262-2216 |
Osage Beach Police Dept. | Morely | Dililexie | 1000 City Parkway | Osage Beach | MO | 65065 | 573-302-2010 x308 |
Osage County Health Dept. | Rogers | Elisha | 1218 E. Main St. | Linn | MO | 65051 | 573-897-3103 |
Ozark County Health Dept. | Collins | Dara | 370 3rd St. | Gainesville | MO | 65655 | 417-679-3334 |
Pattonville Fire Protection District | Barnhart | Mark | 13900 St. Charles Rock Rd. | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 | 314-739-3118 |
Peculiar Police Dept. | Grabmiller | Phil | 224 S. Main | Peculiar | MO | 64078 | 816-779-5102 |
Pemiscot County Initiative Net. | Pylate | Vikki | 711 W. 3rd St. | Caruthersville | MO | 63830 | 573-333-5301 |
Perry County Health Dept. | Schuessler | Angelia | 406 N. Spring St. | Perryville | MO | 63775 | 573-547-6564 |
Perryville Police Department | Miller | Dustin | 120 N. Jackson | Perryville | MO | 63775 | 573-547-4546 |
Pettis County Health Dept. | Elliott | Erica | 911 E. 16th St. | Sedalia | MO | 65301 | 660-827-1130 |
Pike County Health Dept. | Gamm or Orf | Kim or Robin | 1 Healthcare Place | Bowling Green | MO | 63334 | 573-324-6373 |
Platte County Sheriff's Office | Ballor | Contrinka | 11724 NW. Plaza Circle | Kansas City | MO | 64153 | 816-858-1952 |
Polk County Health Dept. | Bookhout | Carol | 1317 W. Broadway St. | Bolivar | MO | 65613 | 417-326-7250 |
Poplar Bluff Fire Dept. | Buhler | Joshua | 300 S. Broadway | Poplar Bluff | MO | 63901 | 573-686-8692 |
Potosi Fire Protection District | Nickles | Rochelle | 313 E. Jefferson St. | Potosi | MO | 63664 | 573-438-5465 |
Potosi R3 School District | Kurtzeborn | Abbi | 308 Lilac Dr. | Potosi | MO | 63664 | 573-438-2223 |
Pulaski County Health Center | Luecke | Ashly | 104 Ashley May Ln. | Waynesville | MO | 65583 | 573-774-3820 |
Putnam County Health Dept. | Guffey | Kari | 103 N. 18th St. | Unionville | MO | 63565 | 660-947-2429 |
Ralls County Health Dept. | Munger | Jessica | 405 W. 1st St. | New London | MO | 63459 | 573-985-7121 |
Randolph County Health Dept. | Shah | Kena | 1319 US Hwy. 24, Suite A | Moberly | MO | 65270 | 660-263-6643 |
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Hospital | Cave | Rebecca | 11365 Dorsett | Maryland Heights | MO | 63043 | 314-872-6597 |
Ray County Health Dept. | Stevinson | Mandy | 820 E. Lexington St. | Richmond | MO | 64085 | 816-776-5413 |
Raytown EMS | Cushman | Matthew | 10020 E. 66th Terrace | Raytown | MO | 64133 | 816-737-6035 |
Redings Mill Fire Protection District | Hasty | Leif | 344 Redings Mill Rd. | Joplin | MO | 64804 | 417-624-2715 |
Republic Fire Dept. | Flagg | Sterling | 701 US Hwy. 60 | Republic | MO | 65738 | 417-732-3800 |
Reynolds County Health Center | Beardsley | Lisa | 2323 Green St. | Centerville | MO | 63633 | 573-648-2498 |
Rock Township Ambulance District | Hemmelman | Joshua | 6707 St. Luke's Church Rd. | Barnhart | MO | 63012 | 636-296-5066 x1404 |
Rolla Fire and Rescue | Proffitt | Scott | 1490 MO BB | Rolla | MO | 65401 | 573-354-3989 |
Rolla Fire and Rescue Station 2 | Proffitt | Scott | 400 W. 4th St. | Rolla | MO | 65401 | 573-365-3989 |
Safe House of Southeast Missouri | Green | Jessie | 2350 Independence | Cape Girardeau | MO | 63703 | 573-335-7745 x 105 |
Safe Kids Columbia | Brooks | Jenny | 404 N. Keene St., DC519.00 | Columbia | MO | 65201 | 573-771-9216 |
Safe Kids Springfield and Mercy Injury Prevention Center | McKinney | Leigha | 1570 W. Battlefield, Suite 110 | Springfield | MO | 65807 | 417-820-7233 |
Safe Kids St. Louis/SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital | Fanter | Kim | 1465 South Grand Blvd. | St. Louis | MO | 63104 | 314-678-5474 |
Safety and Health Council of Western Missouri and Kansas | Smith | Beverly | 9150 E. 41st Terrace, Suite 215 | Kansas City | MO | 64133 | 816-842-5223 x 233 |
Safety Basics LLC Moble Fitting Station | McCabe | Debbie | 9058 Watson Rd., Suite B | St. Louis | MO | 63126 | 314-504-7926 |
Saline County Health Department | Hoskins | Chelsea | 1825 Atchison Ave. | Marshall | MO | 65340 | 660-886-9494 |
Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center | Martinez | Marlenis | 825 Euclid Ave. | Kansas City | MO | 64124 | 816-889-1930 |
School of the Osage Parents as Teachers | Willoughby | Trena | 1571 Bagnell Dam Blvd. | Lake Ozark | MO | 65049 | 573-365-2304 |
Schuyler County Health Dept. | Magers | Kathryn | 213 S. Green St. | Lancaster | MO | 63548 | 660-457-3721 |
Scotland County Health Dept. | Holt | Nancy | 214 W. Madison St. | Memphis | MO | 63555 | 660-465-7275 |
Scott County Health Dept. | Dame | Stacey | 102 Grove Estates Ct. | Sikeston | MO | 63801 | 573-471-4044 |
Sedalia Fire Dept. | Parnell | Joseph | 2606 W. 16th St. | Sedalia | MO | 65301 | 660-826-8044 |
Shelby County Health Dept. | Barrick | Amanda | 700 E. Main St. | Shelbyville | MO | 63469 | 573-633-2353 |
Smithville Area Fire Protection District | Watkins | Byron | 341 Park Dr. | Smithville | MO | 64089 | 816-532-4902 |
South Central MO Community Action Center - Doniphan | Baker | Elizabeth | 506 Lafayette St. | Doniphan | MO | 63935 | 573-996-5059 |
South Central MO Community Action Center - Poplar Bluff | Baker | Elizabeth | 1716 S. Broadway | Poplar Bluff | MO | 63901 | 573-785-4727 |
Spanish Lake Fire Protection District | Ruchalski | Andrea | 12220 Bellefontaine Rd. | St. Louis | MO | 63138 | 314-741-7300 |
St. Charles County Ambulance District | Buehrig | Amanda | 2000 Salt River Rd. | St. Peters | MO | 63376 | 636-344-7687 |
St. Clair County Health Center | Cone | Melissa | 530 Arduser Dr. | Osceola | MO | 64776 | 417-646-8157 |
St. Francois County Health Center | Ragsdale | Linda | 1025 W. Main St. | Park Hills | MO | 63601 | 573-431-1947 |
St. Joseph Safety & Health Council | Till | Frank | 3131 Frederick Ave., Suite 220 | St. Joseph | MO | 64506 | 816- 233-3330 |
Ste. Genevieve Area Center for Life - Options for Women | Rahn | Sara | 1019 N. Kingshighway | Perryville | MO | 63775 | 573-547-3800 |
Ste. Genevieve County Health Dept. | Palmer | Jessica | 115 Basler Dr. | Ste. Genevieve | MO | 63670 | 573-883-7411 |
Stoddard County Ambulance Services | Gibson | Crystal | 501 W. Business 60 | Dexter | MO | 63841 | 417-988-4060 |
Stoddard County Public Health Center | Jackson-Hessling | Michelle | 1001 N. Highway 25 | Bloomfield | MO | 63825 | 573-568-4593 x212 |
Stone County Health Dept. | Gunn | Jami | 701 Old Wilderness Rd. | Reeds Spring | MO | 65737 | 417-357-6134 |
Sullivan County Health Dept. | Perez | Jacquelyn | 101 Hawthorne Dr. | Milan | MO | 63556 | 660-292-4573 |
Taney County Health Dept. - Branson | Miller | Kara | 320 Rinehart Rd. | Branson | MO | 65616 | 417-334-4544 |
Taney County Health Dept.- Forsyth | Harrison | Delesa | 15479 US Hwy. 160 | Forsyth | MO | 65653 | 417-546-4725 |
Texas County Health Dept. | Cook | Johnna | 950 N. Hwy 63 | Houston | MO | 65483 | 417-967-4269 |
The Alliance of Southwest Missouri | Pryor | Charlene | 1601 S. Wall Ave. | Joplin | MO | 64804 | 417-872-6381 |
The LIGHT House | McAdam | Andrea | 400 W. Meyer Blvd. | Kansas City | MO | 64113 | 816-361-2233 |
Trenton Fire Dept. | Hert | Derek | 1001 E. 17th St. | Trenton | MO | 64683 | 660-359-5552 |
Tri County Fire Protection District | Campbell | Michael | 111 W. Washington St. | Richland | MO | 65556 | 573-596-0886 |
Tri County Sports Center | Sitler | Lisa | 41 College Campus Dr. | Moscow Mills | MO | 63362 | 314-412-2833 |
Tri-County Health Dept. | Redden | Karrie | 302 N. Park St. | Stanberry | MO | 64489 | 660-783-2707 |
Vernon County Health Dept. | Rainey | Kristen | 301 N. Washington St. | Nevada | MO | 64772 | 417-667-7418 |
Walnut Grove Fire Protection District | Tranburger | Joshua | 540 N. Washington | Walnut Grove | MO | 65770 | 417-838-3816 |
Washington County Ambulance District (Reynolds Co Base) | Beard | Ashley | 2200 Hwy 21 | Centerville | MO | 63633 | 573-438-3635 |
Washington County Ambulance District (Washington Co Base) | Mingo | Tony | 6900 Bill Gum Business Blvd. | Mineral Point | MO | 63660 | 573-438-3635 |
Washington Police Dept. | Hellebusch | Stephanie | 301 Jefferson St. | Washington | MO | 63090 | 636-390-1050 |
Webster County Health Dept | Gehrke | Martha | 233 E. Washington | Marshfield | MO | 65706 | 417-859-2532 |
West Plains Fire Dept. | Hammon | Richie | 1901 Kissinger St. | West Plains | MO | 65775 | 417-256-2424 |
West Plains R-7 | Holmes | Caty | 610 E. Olden St. | West Plains | MO | 65775 | 417-256-6150 |
Whole Kids Outreach | Pendley | Connie | 62143 Hwy. 21 | Ellington | MO | 63638 | 573-663-3257 |
Williams Family Support Center | Snyder | Amber | 801 E. Breckenridge St. | Mexico | MO | 65265 | 573-721-3186 |
Worth County Sheriff's Dept. | Cain | Jason | 11 W. 4th St. | Grant City | MO | 64456 | 660-564-2222 |
Wright City Fire Protection District | Riebe | Joshua | 396 W. 2nd St. N. | Wright City | MO | 63390 | 636-745-2262 |
Wright County Health Dept. | Glenn | Courtnie | 602 E. State St. | Mountain Grove | MO | 65711 | 417-926-0009 |