Community Outreach Grant Application


The Southeast Coalition for Roadway Safety is one of seven regions of the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety. The Coalition is comprised of a diverse group of individuals and agencies located throughout south central and southeast Missouri, dedicated to saving lives and reducing serious injuries from traffic crashes. Community Outreach Grant funding is available to agencies, businesses and organizations that need resources to further promote roadway safety. The Coalition has 3 other grants it supports every year: car seats for agencies/organizations with Child Passenger Safety Technicians, law enforcement safety equipment and funding for high schools that hold a Project Prom or Graduation event. To view all Southeast Coalition grants, please visit

Community Outreach funding will be awarded on a case by case basis throughout the fiscal year. Grant requests must address at least one of the emphasis areas identified in the Show-Me Zero strategic highway safety plan. These include occupant protection, distracted driving, speed and aggressive driving and impaired driving. Click here to learn more about Show-Me Zero. May 1 is the last day to apply in the current fiscal year.

EMS & Fire Agencies: Please use this new grant application to submit requests.  Email completed applications to

Questions? Contact Ashley Metelski,

*- indicates required fields

Contact Information

Contact Information


Date funding needed by*

Total amount of funds requested*

Select the Show-Me Zero emphasis area(s) that this project will address

Select the Show-Me Zero emphasis area(s) that this project will address*

What is the specific issue in your region and how do you know it is a problem?*

Clearly state your goal and identify the following: what needs to be done; who or what agency will conduct the task; estimated timeframe (if known and if applicable).*

How will you determine whether this project was successful? Give specific examples of how results will be measured.*

If your agency is requesting equipment, please list your current inventory of equipment being requested and the condition it is in.

List all costs to complete this project. If you anticipate any local match (in-kind services, donations, personnel), please list those also.*