4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is slang in cannabis culture for the consumption of cannabis, especially smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m. (or 16:20 in 24-hour notation) and also refers to cannabis-oriented celebrations that take place on annually on April 20 (which is 4/20 in U.S. form).
The sobering fact is that drug-impaired driving contributed to 7% of all 2023 Missouri traffic fatalities. In 2023, 73 people were killed and 167 seriously injured in crashes that involved at least one drug-impaired driver.
Many drug-impaired drivers are under the age of 21. Drug-impaired drivers under the age of 21 were involved in five fatal and thirteen serious injury crashes in 2023. There were eight people killed and twenty-two seriously injured in these crashes.
Stats & Facts
Year End 2023
Videos on YouTube
420 Drug-Impaired Driving
30 sec (English)
420 Drug-Impaired Driving
30 sec (Spanish)
420 Drug-Impaired Driving
10 sec Bumper (English)
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