Webform The Southeast Coalition for Roadway Safety is one of seven regions of the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety. The Coalition is comprised of a diverse group of over 80 agencies located throughout south central and southeast Missouri, dedicated to saving lives and reducing serious injuries from traffic crashes. These efforts are implemented through community outreach education and Law Enforcement projects funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The SCRS is governed by an Executive Board from a variety of professions. This team determines the use of funds based on crash and other safety data analysis to identify and address safety issues on our public roads. The Board and Coalition members provide the focus, foundation and fundamental resources necessary to save lives and reduce serious injuries as outlined in Missouri’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Show-Me Zero. Coalition meetings occur in person quarterly (January, April, July & October). Due to the size of the district, in person meetings are held in Sikeston and Willow Springs (with the same content discussed at both meetings). Virtual option to attend is also provided. The Coalition's Executive Board meets virtually one week prior to each quarterly meeting; with the exception of June's meeting that will be held in person. Executive Board members are required to attend a minimum of 2 Board and Coalition meetings per year. A full description of duties and expectations can be found here. Please use the form below to provide information about yourself, to ensure the current Executive Board has an understanding of your background and skills. Questions? Contact Southeast Coalition for Roadway Safety Representative Ashley Metelski, 573-380-9432 or Ashley.metelski@modot.mo.gov *- indicates required fields Contact Information Contact Information Name* Employer* Email Address* Phone Number* Title* Please provide a brief bio explaining your background in traffic safety.* Please provide a brief bio explaining your background in traffic safety.* Briefly describe why you would like to join the Southeast Coalition for Roadway Safety's Executive Board.* Briefly describe why you would like to join the Southeast Coalition for Roadway Safety's Executive Board.* Which of the skills below would you like to utilize on the Board? Check all that apply.* Which of the skills below would you like to utilize on the Board? Check all that apply.* Community Networking Equipment Management Event Coordination Grant Management Public Speaking Training Coordination Volunteer Management Other Skills Other Skills What would you like to personally gain from your participation on the Executive Board? What would you like to personally gain from your participation on the Executive Board?* Are you willing to assist with roadway safety presentations in the community? Are you willing to assist with roadway safety presentations in the community?* - Select -YesNo Is there any other information about yourself that you would like to share with the Executive Board?* Is there any other information about yourself that you would like to share with the Executive Board?* Were you asked to become an Executive Board member of the Coalition? If so, please list who suggested you join. Were you asked to become an Executive Board member of the Coalition? If so, please list who suggested you join. Please list your supervisor's contact information.* Please list your supervisor's contact information.* Name* Title* Email* Phone* The Coalition will be adding a Google My Map feature to showcase our Coalition partners across the state. Do you consent to have your organization's contact information listed on www.savemolives.com/se?* The Coalition will be adding a Google My Map feature to showcase our Coalition partners across the state. Do you consent to have your organization's contact information listed on www.savemolives.com/se?* Yes, I Consent For My Name, Title And Agency Contact Information To Be Placed On The Southeast Coalition For Roadway Safety's Website. No, I Do Not Consent For My Name, Title And Agency Contact Information To Be Placed On The Southeast Coalition For Roadway Safety's Website. If you join the Executive Board, you agree that you can dedicate 2-4 hours per quarter to the Coalition (and the Board), and that you do not have any conflict of interest in participating on the Board.* If you join the Executive Board, you agree that you can dedicate 2-4 hours per quarter to the Coalition (and the Board), and that you do not have any conflict of interest in participating on the Board.* Yes No Leave this field blank